Gilbert Harris
Senior Pastor
865-983-2080 ext. 102
Provides preaching, teaching, and pastoral care to the congregation.
Robert Castile​
Associate Pastor
865-983-2080, ext. 117
Assists Pastor through creating discipleship opportunities, teaching, and supporting the church through other pastoral services.​​
Jamie Talley
Youth Minister
865-983-2080 ext. 118
Ministers to the needs of youth and families, in addition to coordinating and leading youth programming and events.
Andy Blanchard
Youth Assistant
Assists with the coordination of Youth Ministry programming and events.
Sherrie Miller
Administrative Assistant, Senior Pastor
865-983-2080 ext. 101
Provides administrative support to the Senior Pastor and manages office needs for staff members.
Wesley Rouse
Music Minister
865-983-2080 ext. 107
Ministers to the needs of congregants, in addition to managing and coordinating musical programming for the church and its services.
Robby Clemens
Administrative Assistant, Music
865-983-2080 ext. 103
Provides administrative support to the Music Minister and coordinates the publication of the church bulletins.
Mindy Richardson
Children’s Choir Director
Assists the Music Minister with the coordination of Children’s Choirs.
Melissa Tyler
Executive Director
865-983-2080 ext. 105
Manages the staff and coordinates administrative tasks for the operation of the church.
Connectional Ministries Coordinator
Works to help our congregation be involved with Fairview and each other. Along with connecting Fairview to the community.
Lindsey Kizer
Youth Assistant
865-983-2080 ext. 119
Assists with the coordination of Youth Ministry programming and events.
Donna Henry
Children's Ministry Director
865-983-2080 ext. 111
Provides leadership & oversight for the Children's Ministry. Ministers to the needs of children and families, in addition to coordinating and leading children's programming and events.
Sophie Goss
Children's Ministry Coordinator
Manages and coordinates infants thru preschool age childcare, programming and events.
Special Needs Coordinator
Manages and coordinates special needs children's programming under the leadership of the Children's Minister.
Christy Wheeler
Director of Learning Tree Preschool
Donna Foster
Social Media Specialist/Receptionist
865-983-2080 ext. 100
Design and management of all social media platforms, and handle front desk duties.